The SOA Research Institute’s Strategic Research Programs emphasize the skillset and thought leadership of actuaries, and help provide insights to members, businesses, other stakeholders and the public on socially relevant topics.
The SOA Research Institute’s Strategic Research Programs cover five key research areas: retirement, mortality, health care, technology and climate risk. The SOA Research Institute develops, creates and updates a variety of innovative research reports, studies, tools and resources. Learn more about the strategic research programs below.
Aging and Retirement
Reviews the societal impact of aging populations and the solutions for mitigating risks.
Actuarial Innovation and Technology
Highlights the evolution of technology as it applies to the actuarial profession and industry.
Mortality and Longevity
Examines the factors impacting models and mortality predictions, and the analysis of longevity trends.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Focuses on diversity, equity and inclusion topics in regards to issues of social and racial disparities.
Health Care Cost Trends
Focuses on the forces that shape health care cost and utilization, and the changes over time.
Catastrophe and Climate
Studies climate trends and their impact on extreme and catastrophic events.